Articles related to Wanier-Stark ladders

1. L.I. Malysheva. Green function for a chain of interaction levels in the uniformly varying field. Ukrainskyi fizychnyi zhurnal 45, 1475-1482 (2000).

2. A. Onipko and L. Malysheva. Triple-, double-, and fractionally-spaced Wannier-Stark ladders. Solid State Communications 118, 63-67 (2001).

3. A. Onipko and L. Malysheva. Noncanonical Wannier-Stark ladders and surface state quantization in finite crystals subjected to a homogeneous electric field. Physical Review B 63, 235410-1-235410-10 (2001).

4. A. Onipko and L. Malysheva. Signatures of Wannier-Stark and surface states in electron tunneling and related phenomena: Electron transmission through a tilted band. Physical Review B 64, 195131-1-195131-14 (2001).

5. L.I. Malysheva. Quantization of band states of a crystal layer in a constant electric field. Ukrainskyi fizychnyi zhurnal 47, 1173-1179 (2002).

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